
Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I don't really know why I keep watching this show. Tonight Boston blow hard Matty was sent home and fine by me. It took "straight on the show"/"gay on the web" porn auteur, James, to do the final deed by breaking the tie vote by the house guests as Head of House. Matty lost his cool and cried as did his pathetic, needy, "we really are soul-mates" game partner, Natalie. Girl, get some dignity.

But I can't say that the gays have been positively represented either with Joshuah. He seems nice enough, until one of the girls gets on his bad side. He will cut you in half with that tongue if provoked. He never goes off on the boys, though. Mama issues I guess.

With Adam winning the new Head of Household, it's anybody's guess as to which way the wind will blow on the next show.

Why do I keep watching?

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