
Saturday, May 17, 2008


In the words of Graham Norton - "it's horrible television. Riveting." Yes. I watch it every week. I am ashamed to admit that for every "The Tudors" and "John Adams" I watch, there is a "Viva Hollywood" and "A Shot At Love".

If you are not familiar, an Asian pseudo-my space celebrity-stripper-bisexual d-lister becomes the bachelorette in a dating competition that pits straight guys against lesbians all vying for Tila's love and attention.

All of the guys are either creepy stalker types or the worst obnoxious frat boy types you can imagine. Most of the women, at least, are interesting. There are butchies and femmies both and Tila loves them all. But most of all she loves herself, her boobs, her butt, etc.

I can't explain why I watch every week other than you can't find a better train wreck on tv where people actually don't get hurt. Well....actually one did this week when two frat boys taunted each other until the idiot known as Chad head-butted the dim-witted Beau.

And in the words of the beloved Kathy Griffin, to watch it all "is like a hug from Jesus."

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