
Monday, April 7, 2008


I am still one week head on this season of The Tudors thanks for Showtime On Demand. This coming Sunday's episode rocked! Anne is finally (secretly) wed to King Henry, crowned Queen of England, and gives birth to the future Queen Elizabeth I.

But more importantly, courtier Mark Smeaton makes a move on Anne's brother George. It is not known if George Boleyn was in fact gay, but there is a lot written about it and it is believed to be a fact. In Phillipa Gregory's historical fiction work, The Other Boleyn Girl, she wrote at length about George's love affair with a man.

Mark Smeaton (pictured) made is gayness known in last week's episode in and exchange with Mary Boleyn while visiting the French court.

Mary Boleyn: " I can't wait to ride some young French stallion while I'm here." Mark: "Well, between you and me, neither can I!"

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