
Monday, April 7, 2008


The majority of my friends have no idea that the best show currently on television is Battlestar Galactica. This fact is known only by about 3 million people who watch the show religiously. I happen to be a Sci-Fi fan, but you can absolutely hate Sci-Fi and still love this show. The frackin' show has won TWO Peabody Awards for frack sake.

It's not about the starships or the scary robots or the awesome special effects, its about the characters. The themes of the show range from abortion, illegal occupation, social prejudice, cult worship, alcoholism and lots of other fun stuff.

The first episode of the fourth and final season aired last Friday and I just got to see it last night. It was definitely worth the wait. The season picks up right where last season let us hanging when Starbuck miraculously reappears after the whole fleet sees her ship burst info flames. Well she's back (Lesbians everywhere shout for joy!), and she says she has been to Earth and knows the way. To her, she has only been gone a few hours. To the fleet, she has been dead for two months. To be Cylon, or not to be Cylon. That is the question. Most of you are lost right now. Well go right now to Netflix and rent the first season. You won't be sorry!

Episode one of season four: A+

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